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Carroll County 4-H

4-H Announcements 

Check back here for updates and announcements!

4-H In-School Clubs

Fourth and fifth grade students participating in in-school 4-H Clubs learn about citizenship and leadership.  Peer-elected club officers help to run meetings as students learn about parliamentary procedure.  Youth have the opportunity to compete in a Dramatic Reading and Presentation/Demonstration Contest.

Real Life Program at CCMS

Seventh grade students at Carroll County Middle School learn about “Real Life” by participating in a simulation to see if they can make it through a month on their paycheck. 

4-H Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP)

Carroll County 4-H and the Town of Hillsville Farmers Market are excited for the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP).  Our goal is to provide the opportunity for youth to learn about entrepreneurship through hands-on experiential learning.  During this program, youth learn about marketing, record keeping, and more.  Youth gain soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and work ethic as they attend two interactive workshops and sell their products at the Town of Hillsville Farmers Market. 


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4-H Workshops allow youth ages 5-18 to explore a variety of subjects and participate in hands-on learning.  Check out our past workshops and keep an eye out for new workshops posted here!

2022 Workshop Wednesdays

2022 Winter Workshops

2023 Workshop Wednesdays

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